AT68166FT mult
rad hard 16 megabit 3.3v 5v tolerant sram mult.rad hard 16 megabit 3.3v 5v tolerant sram mult.
16 Mbit SRAM Multi Chip Module Allows 32-, 16- or 8-bit acce.
The AT68166FT MCM incorporates four 4Mbit AT60142FT SRAM dice. It can be organized as either one bank of 512Kx8, two ba.
The AT68166FT is a 16Mbit SRAM packaged in a hermetic Multi Chip Module (MCM) for space applications. The AT68166FT MCM incorporates four 4Mbit AT60142FT SRAM dice. It can be organized as either one bank of 512Kx8, two banks of 512Kx16 or four banks .
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